Hi there! My name is David Bogdan, and I am from Romania. I am passionate about cars, and this blog is a way for me to share my love for all things automotive. I am currently a student, and this blog is part of a school project, but I hope to continue it as a personal project and share my knowledge and opinions with others who share my passion. The name "Cars Genetics" is a reflection of my belief that the automobile is more than just a mode of transportation, but a living and evolving entity that has shaped and been shaped by our society and culture. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and learning more about the fascinating world of cars.

Enough about me, this website also has a long history. It all began a few years ago, when together with a friend started a HUUUUUGE wiki website project about cars along with an intagram page. Sadly, the project meant too much work for us, so we abandoned the website idea, and soon after the instagram page asweel. This whole thing revived when I received a school project (mentioned above) intended for an informatics certificate, this time taking it serios, but changing the idea as a whole. I hope I will also start posting on instagram asweel.